First World Architects Studio

adaptive reuse charter k-8/
9-12. school
FOR THE phoenix community learning center
Phase I:2007-2009
Phase II: 2015-17
The project mission was to convert a former small-scale hospital building into a state-of-the-art facility to house a growing K-8 charter school organization. This 50,000 SF shell base was programmed to accommodate classrooms, science labs, assembly area; staff lounge, kindergarten suite, administrative offices and required support areas and circulation axis and modes-Phase I.
Phase II -six years later completed the lower level into modern classrooms, administrative office and other support areas for High School program.
Complete upgrade for all Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Alarm systems/infrastructure
New Security System
New Computer Network/ Data Cabling systems
New Restrooms (2 sets per floor)
New Elevator
ADA Upgrades throughout
Overall Site Improvements for vehicular and pedestrian access