First World Architects Studio

Energy Retrofit & Historical Restoration
March 2010 to October 2013
Federal Courthouse aged mechanical system have become inefficient and costly to operate. Comprehensive replacement of AHU's; lighting fixtures will need to be more efficient. Both systems to be controlled with energy management program. Additionally the facade deterioration will need substantial restoration.
Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, and Controls Upgrades:
Replace the existing multi-zone air handling units on all floors (except recently replaced air handlers) with new VAV air handlers, to improve the efficiency of air distribution and heating and cooling coils.
In historic areas, provide new by-pass type multi-zone units (compartment design for ease of installation).
Provide new direct digital controlled (DDC) HVAC building automation system capable of adjusting hot water boiler loads, chiller loads, multi-zone air handling loads, and VAV loads to meet requirements based on current temperatures and zones.
Supplement existing gas fired steam boilers with (2) high efficiency gas hot water boilers to provide base heating capacity.
Water Reduction:
In Public Restrooms, replace existing water closets, urinals, and lavatory faucets with low flow fixtures and low flow faucets. Capture existing roof drain water into new water tank cistern; replace water supply to existing exterior site irrigation system, replace existing irrigation control manifold and pumping system.
Replace lighting fixtures in office areas with high efficiency fluorescent “T -8” lights (existing fixtures have T-12 lamps). Provide daylight harvesting lighting controls (in all areas with windows) and occupancy sensors in all office areas.
ARRA Facade Restoration:
Proposed work included stone repair, stone replacement, flashing repair, tuckpointing, and cleaning. The building was occupied throughout the construction.
Obtain a LEED “Silver” Certification upon completion of work.